User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Streetlights, People: Scumbag Kid KICKS ASS!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Scumbag Kid KICKS ASS!

What a great boy- He's helping out the working man for a small profit.
Rockin Canadian kid charges for a short-cut around a picket line for workers to get in before the timeclock tells on them.

Here's what the locals had to say:

Just slip the kid two bucks, and one of his friends will escort you around the house, down the side yard, and through the backyard gate — quicker than you can say Reg Alcock.
Word is spreading. Todd's loyal customer base is burgeoning. About 50 people took the backyard access to Tunney's Pasture in the hour a CBC-TV camera was there, Thursday. That's a hundred bucks in just an hour.
A block away, the picket-line bosses don't seem too upset. Strike captain André Albert says, "If he wants to make money from our strike, good for him."
