User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Streetlights, People: 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Great Advert

It took me a second or two to get it, but when my brain finally processed the whole thing...


Friday, August 13, 2004

How Far Is It To Hell?

The words of this man have changed my life. Listen closely and don't be "Billy." Hell is only a footstep away. Don't Swing and do your own thing- You'll only end up listening to this retard preaching at you for eternity.

Better Than Sea Monkeys!

Yup--- Uncle Milton has outdone himself. This time he has upgraded tired old Sea Monkeys to some smartly packaged DINOSAURS! Get this-- they grow up to two inches in length(the size we all hoped our pipe-smoking seamonkeys would get) and they only live for three months!Link

Will That State EVER sink?

Are you a gal who likes chicks? A dude who likes guys? Stay the hell away from San Fran. It seems that they have given up on the Liberal Understanding that people who are in love should be married.

Just another reason to stay the hell away from that screwed up state."Thanks for the great parades: Fuck Off!"Says the Governator.

Creepy Kick-Ass Technology!

I understand that the Olympics may be a great stomping ground for terrorists. I couldn't think of a better spot to try out new cutting-edge technology that will be used to spy on average citizens. Whatever you do, don't say anything bad about our President in public. The weapons might possibly be discovered in YOUR house.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Great Photoshopped Ads

Everybody loves good ad spoofs. These guys have done them with vintage ads to put a little more "umph" behind the seller's target audience.

I have quite the fondness for anyone encouraging children to drink.

Editor's Note: We have no control over what this man writes. Do NOT tell your children to drink beer. They will end up like Mr. Beene. We love your children and wish the best for them.

This Happened In AMERICA?!?!?!?!?!

I am, for once, speechless. I have had nightmares about this happening, but never thought that our country would let such a thing happen. Yes, France, Germany and Saudi Arabia, we ARE that lazy and fat.

Just follow the Link, have some soda-pop and cry.


Wednesday, August 04, 2004

When Helper Monkeys Attack

So some little snot-nosed kid started yanking on the fur of a helper monkey and impolite justiceinsues. Remember to tell your kids to not fiddle with strange monkeys.

Monday, August 02, 2004

The Word "Czar" bugs me

I hope that I'm not alone in thinking that naming a "C.I. Czar" is more than a touch spooky. Historically speaking, Czars have not been nice people. I don't recall reading anything about aho Czars are dealt with inside a "Democratic" society.

Doom is at hand, friends.
Information Security Magazinehas a little article about this. Read and fear.