User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Streetlights, People: 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004

Monday, September 27, 2004

I Just Can't Resist A "Dog-Boy" Story

Boy , abandoned by parents, raised by dog. Same story, different day. Most of my childhood friends were raised by dogs.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Texas Man 86'd From Bar: Returns with Chainsaw.

Let the games begin! Some gent got kicked out of a bar for starting fights and being a general asshole. He did what any God-Fearin' Texan would do-- Returned with a battery of racial slurs and a chainsaw.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Sinead O'Connor: Chucklehead

This creepy chick has taken out a full page ad in a Dublin paper asking people to stop making fun of her. I've been in the third grade before and know that this is the best way to force people to make fun of you. Sure, I think that she's got a great voice, but... but... Jeezis! I think that I'll take out an ad and ask people to stop making fun of me. it just might work...

Cool 60's Shopping Music

The super hip folks over at have posted shopping music from S.S. Kresge circa 1964. It is bounce and fun. Sure to make you spend money. I wonder when eBay will start playing shopping music....

So sweet, I could puke

Awww... How Cute. one big mitten with two hand holes so that bobby and Suzi(with a heart over the I) can walk hand in hand. More like handcuffs, if you ask me.

Rejection Online is one of the greatest ideas since "Dial-A-Song. Some gal bugging you for your telephone number? Give her the number of the Rejection Line. You can listen to the outgoing message on their website.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Jimmy Swaggart Talks About Killing Gay Men

Wow. This guy has always creeped me out, but I think that Jimmy Swaggart has finally gone over the edge.

"I've never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry. And I'm going to be blunt and plain: If one ever looks at me like that, I'm going to kill him and tell God he died."
- Jimmy Swaggart

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Another Lawn Mower DUI

I'm just too shocked. Follow the link. The mugshot looks like a man who could do so much more than get a DUI on a mower... On the Highway.

New "Fat Ex-Wife" eBay Posting!!!

Yup, there is the pen. He always hated the pen, but you could buy it. I couldn't believe this guy's rant. Beautiful. Sad. Beautiful.

Other items of note: 1. She sold her Volvo to her boss, and regardless of my warnings, she left the license plates on. $700+ later, I was in court trying to keep MY license from being suspended. 2. After the split, she declared bankruptcy, but failed to remove my name from credit cards she had opened. I love dealing with credit agencies. 3. Bought me this fabulous pen. 4. Lost contact with 2 of her best friends, who now are very close friends of mine. 5. Bought herself "implants" of the chest variety AFTER we split. Could not have done this while we were together. One bonus item denied. 6. Gave me the carrying case for this gorgeous pen. 7. Gained immesurable weight and was spotted by a reporter at an Old Country Buffet "after hours". Front window had been eaten away.

Read the whole thing.


Lamps Alive!


So this lamp has sensors and mechanics embedded that turn it off and make it fall to the floor when you leave and pick itself up and turn on when you return. Is that cool or scary?

Simple Search Hits Paydirt

Google Search: necessary
Sometimes, the simplest things lead to the greatest. A recent Google search of the word "Necessary" proved to be quite thought-provoking. Have a look for yourself.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The Day That Puppets Ruled The Earth

This is some impressive puppetry. Not that I know anything about the.. art. Somebody's home video from a trip to Whatevertown, USA made my evening.


Get Tight With AWOL

So these idiots have side-stepped everything that makes bars pleasurable: DRINKING. They just hook you up to a machine that puts air and booze straight into the ol' boozebag, a.k.a. "brain" with no regard for proper booze-hound protocol. This, my friends, is terribly wrong. It is, however, good for folks who think that the Florida panhandle is a nice place to go for spring break.


Straight from some nerd living in his parent's basement

Lonely middle-aged boys will surely get a kick out of this. Just don't let mom see you looking at it. You got it-- The Kama Sutra for Star Wars AT-ATs. So racy. So vulgar. Don't tell Tipper Gore that I told you about this site.


Can't wait to look like a JACKASS? The future is here!

Just when you thought that the future was over with, it comes back. Some moron is making the stupid "Future Hats" from Back To the Future XXIV. I'll be standing in line to buy one.
Throwing Eggs.

McFly: Dumbass

Florida Cop Forces Son To Punch Out Own Lights

Call me crazy, but it seems that this Florida Officer should have better "People Skills." He forced his son to punch himself in the head for not taking out the trash. What if his son had been speeding???

Not A Child-Hitter

What A Great Idea!!

Capsulamundi is a clever idea. The essense is this: Bury somebody in the fetal position and plant a treee over `em.
