User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Streetlights, People: 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004

Thursday, October 28, 2004

New Music From The Coconut Monkey Rocket

Great new mp3s available for download from one of my favorite lounge acts, The Coconut Monkey Rocket. I'm sure you'll all love these new cuts.


2004's Scariest Halloween Costumes

Kids love Political costumes at Haloween. I can't wait to have some little laborers of my own to dress up in these exciting new costume ideas! My favorite is Jenna Bush's liver. I guess that I just dig seeing a tyke holding a beer can.


Tiny Indonesian

This has been all the rage in the news. I wasn't a but shocked to learn that Indonesians were tiny.

Survival Guide to Homelessness

An interesting Guide to being homeless written in Blog form.


Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Super Mario Bros. On Ice

One of the more surreal things I've seen in some time. Video game on ice hosted by Alyssa Milano. It must be moving up on bedtime for this thing to peak my curiosity. I'll have strange dreams tonight.


One Finger Salute

Quicktime movie of Bush flipping the bird.


Sunday, October 24, 2004

Asian Bendy-Straw Sculpture

There is something strangely creepy about this. Something strangely beautiful, as well... But still creepy. I do lots of silly stuff, but this takes the cake.


Cat Tossing For Science

Take a cat into low-to-zero-gravity. Toss the little sucker about. Science makes a quicktime movie with no real scientific answers aside from understanding that cats really don't dig getting tossed about.

I don't care how sensitive you are: Cat tossing is FUNNY!

Al Green Shows Off Little Green Man-Alien Not Involved

It seems that Al Green walked onstage in a fancy tux, but forgot to zip his fly. He also forgot to wear undergarments. Hilarity ensues.


Boozehound Bees Get Buzzed, Blogger Bummed

So these guys are getting a bunch of bees tight to study alcoholism, which is some new disease apparantly associated with bee stings. I wish I could sign up for the study.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004


Where are the weapons? In our hands.
Disturb yourself and go to this site. Watch the Video.

Giant Beached Sunfish Creeps Out Locals- and Blogger

A one-ton sunfish washed up on the New Zeland coast. this has to be one of the creepiest looking fish That this gentelman as ever laid eye on.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Fat Slags Dropped From Viz- Bad Movie To Blame

It seems that some dork made a terrible movie based on VIZ Comic's Characters, The Fat Slags. So bad the the creator decided to never draw the strip again.

What In The HELL Are They Talking About??!?!?!

Curious about what your boss just said to you? Don't understand the MTV lingo?
These guys can help.


Don't Fire The Web-Geek Who Likes Skin Bars

When you quit a job, don't burn the bridge. When you get fired from a job, have a bit of fun. This is beautiful.


Jackass Invents Great Sports Bar Gadget!

Some guy like me has gone way the hell out of his way to shut off the NASCAR races while trying to get tight on Sunday afternoons. Yes, my friends, a truly universal remote control that simply shuts off any television in sight. I'll most likely have a black eye within twelve hours of getting one of these .suckers in my little hands.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Whoring Myself Out For The Greater Good Of Humanity... I Think.

I have put my "Skills" up for sale on eBay for the low, low price of two hundred and some-odd dollars. It should be interesting to see what actually happens with this.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Geek Obsesses Over "Real Genius" TeeShirts, Creeps Out Blogger

Some nerd with a strange obsession with the movie "Real Genius" has painstakingly reproduced the Tee Shirts worn by Val Kilmer in this ho-hum wast of silver screen. at least has a great "Run, Jesse, Run" Shirt.



Sorry for the KKK stuff. this is pretty funny in some sick fashion. Irony rocks.
All this is, at best, a touch disturbing. It is, however, a joke based on the real sickness.
Don't think that I'm a KKK dude.

I just don't like YOU.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

The Man Is Keeping The Microsoft Man Down!

It seems that Almost One in Four Businesses Pirate Software according to Yahoo News. This means that YOUR BOSS is most likely screwing over Bill Gates.

I hope it makes you feel a little better about stealing software from work.


White Man's Boat Boarded On Honeymoon

Scumbag Kid KICKS ASS!

What a great boy- He's helping out the working man for a small profit.
Rockin Canadian kid charges for a short-cut around a picket line for workers to get in before the timeclock tells on them.

Here's what the locals had to say:

Just slip the kid two bucks, and one of his friends will escort you around the house, down the side yard, and through the backyard gate — quicker than you can say Reg Alcock.
Word is spreading. Todd's loyal customer base is burgeoning. About 50 people took the backyard access to Tunney's Pasture in the hour a CBC-TV camera was there, Thursday. That's a hundred bucks in just an hour.
A block away, the picket-line bosses don't seem too upset. Strike captain André Albert says, "If he wants to make money from our strike, good for him."


Ku-Klux-Krazy about my Kids!!!

How nice of the sweet little KKK woman to teach her female daughter to read. Too bad it will make the young 'un unattractive to suitors in the future.

Friends, there is only so much that can be said for the Klan.
They sure are funny, well, except for the hate and the violence and the sheer numbers and stupidity.

Link | christian panties

I am at a loss for words. Christian panties. That is all I have to say for fear of eternal damnation.

Early Christian Dating Recordings From The Ice Age

Here's a great link to an MP3 of a Christian-Sponsored explanation of penises and vaginas and the great fun that can be had with both. Please be patient. It takes a long time for this file to ... Load

And don't forget to read the text

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Man Mistakenly Cuts Off Penis, Dog Eats It

Oddly Enough News Article | "'I confused it with the chicken's neck,' Mocanu, who was admitted to the emergency hospital in Galati, was quoted as saying. 'I cut it ... and the dog rushed and ate it.' "

The How and the Tao of Old Time Banjo under CC License

"Finally, Bucky, A Book For The Rest Of Us!" To the best of my knowledge, this is the first "music" book to hit Creative Commons Licensing. I can finally learn to play! Be sure to check out The How and the Tao of Old Time Banjo.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Creepy Christian Dating Service

Just when I thought I had seen everything religiously perverse, this meandered across my desktop. The short and sweet is that these women date to witness to the fallen or unsaved. At least they are kinda hot. I'd be a little pissed, personally.

Not only can we date cute guys, but hopefully we can lead them to God and help them get saved them from the burning fires of Hell. I've outlined a few tips to help you date cute heathen guys, step-by-step.

Oh, yeah?!?!?!? Screw You!


The Greatest Bumper Stickers In The World

My darling Robilee thinks that bumper stickers make people feel less alienated while driving on the highway. II'm not a fan of bumper stickers... At least until I saw these insanely offensive stickers. I'd almost go out and buy more cars to sport some of these hum-dingers.

One of my favorites is "My Catholic Priest is Dating Your Son"


Friday, October 01, 2004

Spring Broke

A photographer captures years of Florida Spring Break images. A genius who likes booze and unsafe sex. Spring Broke is a must have for any single guy who has no prospects.